Lea Drescher
Festival ConceptionFestivalkonzeptionDanera Fikrî ya Festîvalê
Lea Drescher studied anthropology in Leipzig and completed her bachelor’s degree with a thesis on structures of power and resistance in Kurdish-Turkish documentary filmmaking. Since 2017 she works for the berlin-based film production company mîtosfilm. She worked as Line Producer in THE EXAM by Shawkat Amin Korki (World Premiere 2021 at Karlovy Vary IFF), Production Manager in IM TOTEN WINKEL (WT) by Ayse Polat and Assistant of Producer in THE RAIN BRIDE by Hussein Hassan (both currently in post-Production stage); and coordinated several shootings in the Kurdistan Regional Government where mîtosfilm provides production services for international film projects. In addition to film production, Lea Drescher works as a curator at Duhok International Film Festival and has been artistic director and coordinator of the Kurdish Film Festival Berlin.
Lea Drescher schloss ihr Anthropologie-Studium in Leipzig mit einer Bachelorarbeit zu Macht und Widerstand im kurdisch-türkischen Dokumentarfilmschaffen ab. Seit 2017 arbeitet sie für die Berliner Filmproduktionsfirma mîtosfilm. Sie arbeitete als Line Producer bei THE EXAM von Shawkat Amin Korki (Weltpremiere Karlovy Vary IFF 2021), Production Manager bei IM TOTEN WINKEL (AT) von Ayse Polat und Assistant of Producer bei THE RAIN BRIDE von Hussein Hassan (beide derzeit in Post-Produktion); und koordinierte mehrere Dreharbeiten in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan - Irak, wo mîtosfilm Produktions-Service für internationale Filmprojekte leistet. Neben ihren Tätigkeiten in der Filmproduktion arbeitet Lea Drescher als Kuratorin beim Duhok International Film Festival und war künstlerische Leiterin und Koordinatorin des Kurdish Film Festival Berlin.
Lea Drescher xwendina xwe ya antropolojiyê li Leipzigê bi teza lîsansê li ser hêz û berxwedana di çêkirina belgefilmên kurdî - tirkî da qedand. Ew ji sala 2017an ve li Şerîkeya berhemhênana filman, Mitosfilmê, li Berlînê dixebite. Di filma Exam ya Shawkat Amin Korki (Premierea dinyayê, Festîvala Karlovy Vary IFF-2021) da wekî produsera tetbîqker xebitî. Di IM TOTEN WINKEL (AT) a Ayşe Polatê da wekî rêvebira hilberînê û di THE RAIN BRIDE a Hussein Hassan da wekî arîkara hilberîner kar kir. (Her du jî niha di merhaleya post-produksiyonê de ne); Her wiha li Rêveberiya Herêmî ya Kurdistanê çendîn proje bi rê ve birin ku Mîtosfilm ji bo karên çêkeriyê xizmetê bo dike. Digel çalakiyên hilberîna filman, Lea Drescher wekî kurator di Festîvala Filman a Navneteweyî ya Duhokê de dixebite û rêvebira hunerî û koordînatora Festîvala Filmên Kurdî ya Berlînê bûye.