Pre-Image (Blind as the mother tongue)Pre-Image (Blind as the mother tongue)Pre-Image (Blind as the mother tongue)
To remember, sometimes you need other archaeological tools says the voice over in Hiwa K’s Pre-Image (Blind as the Mother Tongue). The video depicts the artist walking across fields, wastelands, estates, going from Turkey to Athens and then to Rome, a path that mirrors his own journey as a child, when he fled Iraqi Kurdistan and reached Europe by foot. His “Pre-images” are fragments of a path whose final destination is.
Zum Erinnern braucht man manchmal andere archäologische Werkzeuge, so die Off-Stimme in Hiwa Ks Pre-Image (Blind as the Mother Tongue). Das Video zeigt den Künstler, wie er über Felder, Brachland und Ländereien von der Türkei nach Athen und dann nach Rom wandert - ein Weg, der seine eigene Reise als Kind widerspiegelt, als er aus Kurdistan floh und Europa zu Fuß erreichte. Seine "Pre-Images" sind Bruchstücke eines Weges, dessen endgültiges Ziel ungewiss ist.
Jo bo amûrên arkeolojîkî yan din gelek caran hewce ne ku bêne bîranîn, wek mînak dengbêjê di pêş-wêneya Hiwa Ks de (Kor e wekî Zimanê Dayikê). Di vîdyoyê de tê dîtin ku hunermend li zevî, çol û erdên ji Tirkiyê ber bi Atînayê û paşê jî li Romayê digere - rêgezek ku rêwîtiya wî ya di zaroktiya xwe de dema ku ji Kurdistanê reviya û bi peyatî gihîşt Ewropayê nêzik dide. "Pre-Images" wî perçeyên rêyek in ku armanca wî ys dawîn ne diyar e.
Available to streamVerfügbar zum StreamenDi weşanê de heye
Openvizor, Abbas Nokhesteh
Courtesy of the artist and KOW, Berlin