Katharina Nesterowa
Katharina Nesterowa, born in Berlin, completed her degree in media art in the Expanded Cinema class at the Leipzig University of Graphics and Book Art in 2021. Before that, she studied visual communication and set design at the Art Academy in Berlin Weißenee. She worked in theater and film productions and in the festival coordination of the Duhok International Film Festival, World Cinema Fund of the Berlinale, as a costume designer and as a production assistant with Shawkat Amin Korki, Hussein Hasan, David Wnendt, among others.
Katharina Nesterowa, geboren in Berlin absolvierte 2021 ihr Studium der Medienkunst in der Klasse Expanded Cinema an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. Zuvor studierte Sie Visuelle Kommunikation und Set Design an der Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißenee. Sie arbeitete an Theater und Filmproduktionen und in der Festivalkoordination des Duhok International Film Festivals, World Cinema Fund der Berlinale, als Kostumbildnerin und als Produktionsassistenz unter anderem mit Shawkat Amin Korki, Hussein Hasan, David Wnendt.
Katharina Nesterowa, li Berlînê ji dayik bûye, di sala 2021-an de li Zanîngeha Leipzig a Grafîk û Pirtûka Hunerî di pola Sînemaya Berfireh de beşa hunerê ya medyayê qedandye. Berî wê, li Akademiya Hunerê ya li Berlîn de, tekîlîyên dîtinê (visual communication) xwendiye. her wiha jî di berhemên şano û fîlman de û di koordînasyona festîvalê ya navneteweyî ya Duhokê, Fona Sînemaya Cîhanî ya Berlinale de, wek şêwekarê cil û bergan û wekî alîkarê hilberînê digel Shawkat Amin Korki, Hussein Hasan, David Wnendt, û yên din xebitiyeç.