Paradies! Paradies!Paradies! Paradies!Paradies! Paradies!
Vienna, Austria. A doctor's office, two young men, patients; the doctor introduces his daughter, Kurdwin, who is planning a reportage on him and Kurdistan. Thus begins a complex, soft melodrama with home video moments: a family and its transnational economizing of feelings in the interaction with powerful militant conflicts.
Wien, Österreich. Eine Arztpraxis, zwei junge Männer als Patienten, der Arzt stellt die Tochter Kurdwin vor, die eine Reportage vorhabe über ihn und Kurdistan. So beginnt ein vielschichtiges Soft-Melodram mit Homevideo-Momenten: eine Familie und deren transnationale (Gefühls-)Ökonomien in Interaktion mit machtvollen kriegerischen Konflikten.
Vienna, Austria de, Ofîsa bijîşk, du xort, kesên nexweş, bijîşk “Doctor” keça xwe, navê wê Kurdwîn e, ye ku plan dike raporekî bide çêkirin, li ser bavê xwe û Kurdistanê bide nasîn. Ji ber vê yekê melodramayekî tevlihev despê dike, û bi kêliyên vîdiyo di nav malê de tê kişandin. Malbatek û aboriyên wan ye ku sînora hestên navnetewî di têkiliyên, pevçûn û tevhevliyên nav hêzên mîlîtên ye şiyan re.
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European Union, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria
Lixi Frank, Rudolf Takacs