The documentary deals with the submersion and the demolition of Hasankeyf, a historical district in Batman that has 12,000 years of legacy, because of Ilısu Dam, and about the lives of the people who had to lose their villages, homes, memories before the increase of dam water, during the process of demolition, and after it.
Der Dokumentarfilm befasst sich mit der Versenkung und Zerstörung von Hasankeyf, einer zwölftausend jährigen historischen Hochburg in Batman durch den Bau des Ilısu-Staudamm und dem Leben der Bewohner, die Dörfer, Häuser und Erinnerung verlieren. Der Dokumentarfilm zeigt den Prozess der Zerstörung und das Danach.
Ev belgefîlm qala binavbûn û hilweşandina Hasankeyfê dike, hasankeyf navçeyekî dîrokî ye, di Batmanê de ye, ji sala 12,000 mîrateya xwe u gelek girîng heye.
Ji ber Bendava “Ilısu” belgefîlm li ser jiyana mirovên ku neçar mane, ye ku gund, mal, û bîranînên xwe ji ber zêdebûna bendavê û bildbûnê avê, winda bikin. Û her wiha di dema pêvajoya hilweşînê de, û piştî wê.
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